A downloadable game


What is Detente for the Ravenous? 

  • DFTR is a fantasy roleplaying game based on Rowan, Rook, and Decard’s Resistance system, intended for up to 4 players and a Game Master. It takes place in the world of a novel by the same name, in which a team of disenfranchised people set out to assassinate the theocratic head of the empire that ruined their lives. 

Who is this for?

  • If you enjoy games like Heart, Spire , F.I.S.T., or Elden Ring
  • If you’re interested in historical trainwrecks combining 17th century military touchstones with 20th century Cold War espionage
  • If you’re interested in the ways religion is wielded as a tool of hegemony
  • If you like games with big, narrative altering abilities
  • If you like fully-fleshed-out fantasy settings
  • If you can tolerate some admittedly janky layout...

DFTR is for you!

DFTR Contains:

  • An 80,000 word novel (eBook) and 250 page roleplaying game (PDF), able to be purchased separately or in a bundle
  • 7 operative classes showcasing the breadth of the world- will your Communer suffer so that others may flourish? Or will your Bioengineer defy morality with their unethical experiments? 
  • A collection of art from public domain, Creative Commons, and Creative Comrades licenses, altered to create a black-and-white, photocopied appearance
  • A diegetic rulebook giving players an immersive (if biased) view of the world
  • Tactical dossier of 35 mundane and monstrous stat blocks
  • Rules for a “Grand Strategy” level of play, allowing player missions to affect the fate of nations
  • A vividly-imagined setting inspired by the history of the Cold War and 30 Years’ War, featuring 5 nations, 24 Factions and Contacts, and 30 NPCs

Listen to me talk with Aaron King about it here! 


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It looks like this will be released in late September--'more to look forward to in the fall!


Hype hype hype hype hype hype

no link?

the game is scheduled to launch September 24!